Sunday, January 22, 2023


Chianti, Austin 1965

English rose, once flowering

Soon after Constance Spry was created David Austin created another once blooming rose: Chianti (named after the Italian wine).
Chianti is the dark red, purple to maroon counterpart of Constance Spry.
It's a tall growing shrub or climber and can reach 250 cm or 8 feet. It's blooms remind us of the old Gallica roses like Charles de Mills.
Opening as cupped shape they evolve into purple maroon rosettes with stamen showing. Because she's once blooming she gives a major display for three to four weeks. Very strong old rose fragrance. She can get blackspot after blooming but it doesn't matter because she's only one flowering.

David Austin Senior always regretted the fact that Chianti didn't become as successful as Constance Spry and he was right; Chianti is a very beautiful rose.

Parents: Tuscany X Dusky maiden but the parentage is disputed. 

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