Hybrid Gigantea
Jessie Clark X unknown seedling
Normally we only see Gigantea hybrids in pale colors but this stunning Nancy Hayward is a true exception to the rule...
Cerise 🍒 Pink, aging to carmine, very large, single flowers in small clusters with a moderate fragrance. Typical Gigantea buds: Long and pointed. Nancy blooms freely throughout the season.
For a Gigantea Nancy is rather short but she easily get 300 cm or 9 feet, maybe a bit taller.
Zone 6b to 10b and very healthy. Heat and drought tolerant
It's time to rediscover Alistair's legacy as big parts of Europe, USA etc are warming up and in need of heat and drought resistant roses. Together with Viru and Girija Viraraghavan, Alistair Clark was a visionary and we need their expertise now more than ever