Sunday, January 7, 2024

Arthur de Sansal

Arthur de Sansal, Scipion Cochet 1855

Damask Perpetual / HP / Portland

Seedling of Géant des batailles

Arthur de Sansal was a rose breeder. He was married to the daughter of Jean Desprez, yes the father of the famous Desprez /Desprez à Fleurs jaunes

Not that popular as other Portlands and that's mainly due to reblooming power. While Portlands such as Mme Boll and Jacques Cartier bloom several times this Arthur de Sansal has only two main flushes: Early summer and end of summer. For those who don't mind they are in for a treat as the flowers of ADS are just gorgeous.

Dark red to mauve and purple, very full, old fashioned blooms standing on short stalks. They appear in small clusters of three or four. A short rose that will reach 100X100 cm or 3X3 feet. Extremely suitable for pots. The flowers exude a powerful Damask fragrance.
Very hardy zone 4b to 9b and the blooms don't burn that quickly in hot sun.

All in all a very beautiful heritage rose