Hybrid Multiflora
Normally Multiflora hybrids have rather small flowers in clusters but Geschwind's schönste shows us it doesn't have to be.
Geschwind's schönste (Geschwind's most beautiful) is a vigorous big shrub or rambler which can reach 400 cm or 12 feet. The medium sized magnificent carmine pink with magenta shading old fashioned blooms stand in clusters. In full flush the rose is covered with them. The exceptionally beautiful color makes a true stand in a more natural garden. Once blooming but for several weeks, mild fragrance.
Geschwind's schönste is most beautiful when she can cascade or tumble down from an Obelisk, an umbrella support, a pergola or growing in large shrubs or small trees.
Again this rose is very hardy zone 4b to 9b, shade and rain tolerant.
So here are some of the Geschwind roses you must have: Gruß an Teplitz, Gipsy boy, Erinnerung an Brod, Geschwind's orden, Geschwind's schönste and Aurelia Liffa