Saturday, October 14, 2023

Darlow's Enigma

Darlow's Enigma, Darlow 1993

Found rose 

Hybrid Multiflora / Climber

This rose was found in the garden of Mr Darlow. Some have suggested that it is the lost rose Cascadia but not everyone is convinced. 

Whatever her real name may be it's one of the very best Hybrids Multiflora /Hybrids Moschata.
White semi double blooms in clusters appear all season in great abundance. They show their golden stamen. Another good feature is it's amazing scent: It's a super strong Moschata fragrance which carries far into your garden. Darlow's Enigma is probably the strongest smelling Moschata on the market together with Felicia 
Growth is extremely bushy with new stems appearing non stop. Eventually she can reach way over 300 cm or 9 feet. However you grow her she'll always be worth it. Zone 5b to 9b
Health is amazingly good with no issues, rain and shade tolerant. 
In autumn the many red hips appear giving it a beautiful winter display. 
One of the best roses 

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