Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Maman Cochet

Maman Cochet, Cochet 1890

Tea, Climbing Tea 

Marie Van Houtte X Madame Lambard 

Now we've reached the highest rank in the history of the roses: Maman Cochet and her color sports sit on the throne of rose royalty next to MarĂ©chal Niel. There are no more beautiful roses than these. 
Maman Cochet was a result of the cross between Marie Van Houtte and Madame Lambard but others mention a Catherine Mermet parentage. Whoever the parents were the result was nothing less than glorious. Huge, light pink with carmine pink shading, globular, high centered blooms in rosette shape. Very strong fragrance. Just like all China's and Teas the blooms appear freely throughout the season. Once established the shrub can reach up to 250 cm so she can be trained as a climber. Can withstand rain and heat well and is remarkably hardy zone 6b to 10b. Like all Teas she hates pruning so don't. In more warmer climates she has no equal and especially in Australia she's immensely popular although very good results can be achieved in less warm climates. 
Maman Cochet had many sports and today we have the following color variations: Maman Cochet (light pink), Pink Maman Cochet (deeper pink), Red Maman Cochet (Red), White Maman Cochet (White with carmine edges) and Yellow Maman Cochet (light yellow). 
White Maman Cochet got elevated to the rank of most beautiful white rose. 
Treat her as she deserves with good soil, plenty of organic material, water when needed and a sunny spot and... don't prune.