Sunday, February 12, 2023

Madame Segond Weber

Madame Segond Weber, Soupert et Notting 1907

Segond Weber was a celebrated actress of the Comédie Française and died in 1944.

This rose named after her in 1907 was all the rage back then. Enormous, silvery pink Hybrid tea shaped blooms. The commentators spoke of "divine perfection", "a second La France". She was very floriferous throughout the season, never without blooms and had a rich tea fragrance. She was sort after because she didnt like too hot weather and was at its best in autumn with even more beautiful flowers.

But then this rose disappeared... In oblivion. She was forgotten for decades and presumed lost. But Loubert roses found her and brought her back and now she can be purchased again.

Roses aren't just shrubs with beautiful flowers, no, they often carry the name of once famous people from long bygone ages. I never had heard of Segond Weber but now I've read her story. And every time I see this rose I'll think about her.
If you want this stunner you can purchase it at Loubert roses.

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