Saturday, February 25, 2023


Délia, Dominique Massad for Guillot 1998 

Generosa collection 

Modern Hybrid 

Modern roses sometimes can be too artificial and too far away from their old ancestors. Dominique Massad captured the soul of the old Bourbon roses in this Délia. Old pink, rather big, very old fashioned blooms in clusters. They remind us of Louise Odier and Bourbon queen. Délia makes a nice rounded shrub of approx 120X100 cm or 5X4 feet. Blooms in great abundance in June with more moderate flushes afterwards but she definitely keeps blooming. A very healthy rose cause she's almost immune to Blackspot and mildew. Also she's rain tolerant. Zone 6b to 9b. Can be used as a solitare, borders and in pots. Délia has a moderate to strong Sweet briar fragrance.
A very beautiful rose 

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