Sunday, February 12, 2023

Astrid, Gräfin von Hardenberg

Astrid, Gräfin von Hardenberg, Tantau 2001

Hybrid Tea 

A remarkable rose. She looks like the old Hybrids Perpetual such as Souvenir du docteur jamain or Empereur du Maroc. Very dark red, very full, rosette shaped blooms in small clusters or alone. They exude an extreme old rose fragrance mixed with cinnamon and Vanilla, very rare. 120X100 cm or 5X4 feet. Reblooms slowly and needs lots of food and water. Give plenty of organic material! Health is moderate at best. Suffers quickly from mildew so keep the Neem spray bottle at hand. The blooms are exquisite yes but remember that this isn't an easy going, care free rose.

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