Monday, January 16, 2023

Zepherine Drouhin

Zephirine Drouhin, Bizot 1868

Climbing Bourbon

A famous rose with some special details. First, she's as good as thornless so she's suitable for gardens with small children. For a Bourbon she reblooms quite good. Fully double Fushia silky flowers that open flat and showing some white in the center. Their most important feature? The incredible damask fragrance, it's delicious and can Cary rather far
She can be grown as a large shrub or as a big climber and then she can reach five meters. Zephirine has the reputation of being difficult and in need of warmer climates. That's simply not true. My Aunt bought one in 2003 and she was planted on an Eastern facing wall in a drafty spot. It took three years before she started off and we discussed about removing her but we are glad we didn't. After the third year she started to grow many long branches. Rather thin branches but easy to train. In June 2007 the rose was two meters high and one meter wide and completely covered in flowers. A wonderful sight and a heaven for the nose too! In september she repeated it. Not that abundant again but a good flush.
We examined her for years and we can say that she's susceptible to mildew and blackspot yes... BUT: That's only when she's not yet established so the first years. Once she's established she's rather healthy. We have seen her covered with flowers and with mildew but that's harmless to her. She gets over mildew and it doesn't damage her a bit..
She needs a good airflow and she's suitable for North and East facing walls.
She has a light pink sport: Kathleen Harrop
So recap:

Growth 🌹🌹🌹🌹
Reblooming 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Health 🌹🌹(🌹)
Fragrance 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

Total 16/20

Consensus; A rose that needs time and patience but she's worth the wait. Can get mildew when young but once a strong established plant she'll recover and give you year after year magnificent blooms and dito fragrance.