Sunday, January 29, 2023

The Hybrid Multiflora's

Because the designation "Hybrid Musk" is rather incorrect I will use the designation "Hybrid Multiflora's". Trier was a Hybrid Multiflora rose, not a Hybrid Musk and all his ancestors six generations back were Multiflora too so calling him and his offspring Hybrid Musks is incorrect. On my rose blog it is Hybrid Multiflora's. 

Hybrid Multiflora's  are an increasingly favored class. Reverend Joseph Pemberton of England, and his successors Anne and Jack Bentall, using ‘Trier’ and Teas in the breeding, largely developed the Hybrid Multiflora's (Trier (1904) is a descendant from ‘Aglaia’ (multiflora x ‘RĂªve d’Or’) (Noisette). 
In the 20th century especially Flemish rose breeder Louis Lens took over the role as Godfather of the Hybrid Multiflora's and today Lens Roses is the most renowned Hybrid Multiflora breeder. Rush, Alden Biesen, Flash, Guirlande d'amour, Jet spray, Bouquet Parfait and dozens more made sure that this rose family will have a bright future. 
I'm going to discuss the in my opinion most beautiful Hybrid Multiflora's. Many will be from Lens Roses as they are the nr one worldwide in creating them. I can't discuss them all but you can always visit their website and take a look at their dozens of Multiflora varieties. 

Hybrid Multiflora roses combine exquisite fragrance, outstanding vigor, and beautiful, soft colored flowers with reliable repeat blooming, even in partial shade. They do well as gracefully spreading shrubs or low climbers, and are some of the best roses for north facing walls and fences. As a class the Hybrid Multiflora's have almost everything to commend them . 

The Flower: Hybrid Multiflora's repeat well, many are remarkably floriferous. They bloom in large clusters. Individual blooms are rather small.  

Colors: Normally they are pink, white, yellow, peach, or apricot but also very bright red is possible 

Growth Habit : Hybrid Multiflora's display a nice shrubby habit. Long graceful canes. Some varieties are nearly thornless. Foliage is leathery, dark green. They are tough roses that can withstand a wide range of soil conditions, temperatures and sun.  

Size: From 120 X 90 cm or 4X3 feet to climbing size. Can be trained as climbers, or pillars or cascading shrubs.  

Disease Resistance: Excellent. The plants are tough, disease resistant, and tolerate some shade.  

Cold Tolerance: Most are hardy to Zones 5 through 10.  

Scent: Moderate, but some are quite fragrant. Scent is sweet and lingering, strongest in the evening. Most often it's the scent of Rosa Multiflora 

Examples: Felicia, Buff Beauty, Flash, Alden Biesen, Rush, Bouquet Parfait, Kathleen, Prosperity etc...