Felicia, Pemberton
Hybrid Multiflora
When Pemberton crossed the multiflora hybrid Trier with the gorgeous Hybrid Tea Ophelia he created one of the most beautiful and beloved roses of all time: Felicia!
This rose makes a tall rounded shrub of 150 X150 cm or bigger. The blooms are very filled and double rosettes in huge clusters. She keeps on growing new blooming canes all summer and autumn.
It's perfume is very sweet and so unusual, it's the Felicia scent. It's strong and can be detected day and night.
Felicia is exceptionally good as a hedge or as a solitary shrub in a border or even in a big pot for on your terrace. Very Hardy as it survived -25 Celsius in Flanders. We had seven at my parents, as a hedge and they died back to the ground but in spring massive new canes emerged quickly and they bloomed as never before.
In very hot and dry spots she can get mildew but nothing serious and she always recovers quickly. One of my favorite roses of all time!