Sunday, January 15, 2023

Rosomane Janon

Rosomane Janon, Dominique Massad

Dominique Massad is one of the most talented rose breeders in France. His creations are staggering and need much more attention. They surpass David Austin roses on so many levels. But Massad doesn't have the millions to promote his roses.
He's responsible for the Generosa collection from Guillot so you can find them there and you can order them. He has created so many..
But I'll introduce you to Rosomane Janon

It's a stunning modern Hybrid with cupped, very filled blooms in the colors yellow, orange, pink etc. They have a strong fragrance. 
Up to 120 cm high and 50 cm wide. Health is outstanding and reblooming is very frequently.
A beautiful rose