Perle d'or, Rambaux 1875, introduced by Dubreuil
An outstanding polyantha rose and still very popular. How can it not with the famous Tea Mme Falcot as a parent. Perle d'or has many features of her famous parent: Exquisite formed buds unfolding into old fashioned tea shape flowers. The color is apricot with light pink undertone which makes the blooms look like gold when they are young. Strong tea fragrance.
Bushy growth, quite arching up to 125 cm, the branches are almost thornless. Light green healthy foliage.
Idéal for pots and standard roses but also for the border. A beautiful little gem 💎
Good to know is that the daughter of Dubreuil married Antoine Meilland. She would later become immortal when the most famous rose of the 20th century was named after her: Mme A Meilland or Peace
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