Friday, January 20, 2023

Paul Ricard

Paul Ricard, Meilland 1993
Spirit of peace

Hybrid Tea / Parfums de Provence

A real classic and a bit forgotten and that's a shame because this is an excellent and proven quality rose. The comments on helpmefind are ecstatic. Not seldom this rose is referred to as the best rose in people's garden.
I just saw Paul Ricard online on sale for only 10 euro in pot and I immediately ordered three

Paul Ricard is a rather short, bushy and very healthy Hybrid tea. It can reach 80/100 cm and has dark green foliage. The typical HT flowers are very big (13cm) and of super quality. The color is cream/amber yellow to café au lait.
The Fragrance is very strong and reminds of Anise, licorice and is very sweet. This rose has such beautiful flowers it's also a florist rose.
Reblooming is excellent and disease resistant is more than satisfactory.
Because I'm so happy with Prince Jardinier I bought Paul Ricard too at a very low price so a real bargain.
A touch of Provence fragrance in a hot sunny Flemish garden. I'll keep you posted on this rose. A really recommended rose

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