Monday, January 16, 2023

New Dawn

New Dawn, Summerset nurseries 1930
Everblooming Dr W van fleet 
The New Dawn 

Reblooming sport of Dr W van Fleet 

An important rose in the development of many modern climbing roses. New Dawn was discovered by Summerset nurseries and immediately was a big hit. With her silvery, mother of pearl, double blooms she is stunning and she can rebloom. The blooms have a light Apple fragrance. That reblooming was rare so it made her famous and wanted. She's a sport of Dr W van Fleet and reblooming so she can't reach the length of her father but she can get up to four meters or 12 ft. She isn't shade tolerant so don't believe it when you read it in rose descriptions online or in books. Also her reblooming skills aren't that good. Yes she reblooms but not with full force, her first flush is definitely the most abundant. She used to be healthy but the past 20 years she got susceptible to Blackspot. Nowadays New Dawn isn't a rose I would recommend, there are better reblooming climbers now but she always will be a beautiful rose. Her offspring however is nearly always of great quality and that's her biggest merit, she is the mother of many many exquisite good roses.
Buy Dr W Van Fleet if you love her flowers. He will get much larger with more blooms and will bloom for five weeks and is more healthy. 
New Dawn is very hardy with Zone 5b and warmer
A once very good rose but now she's surpassed. 

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