Sunday, January 15, 2023

Mme A. Meilland / Peace

Mme A. Meilland, Meilland 1942
Peace (USA, UK)
Gloria Dei (Germany)
Gioia (Italy)

The rose of the 20th century, undoubtedly. Cuttings from this rose were secretly send to America when France was invaded by the nazi's. The day the Second World War ended the rose was launched in America and the rest of the world. "Peace" was what the world needed and this rose was a perfect symbol for this.
Immediately she became popular, it was unseen before. Millions and millions were sold all over the world and long after WWII. She stayed popular during the second half of the 20th century. This rose became the standard of how a Hybrid tea had to look.
She had many sports and she was the parent of many new varieties.
Who doesn't remember this rose from his or her or.. whatever 😜 childhood? I remember her standing at the farm of my grandparents and many other farmers. Usely huge big shrubs full of very big flowers. It just was The rose!
Unfortunately because of being grafted or cut millions and millions of times, Peace became victim of degeneration and much of the current plants are far weaker and less vigorous than those of the past. Breeders and nurseries have been asked by rose lovers and experts to search new grafting material from old strong plants to bring new blood into the rose. Let's hope this succeeds and we still can enjoy this magnificent rose in the future.

But is Peace a good rose ?
Peace is a Hybrid tea with the arch typical high centered buds. They open into big double flowers with strong petals. Unfortunately the shape of the blooms quickly deteriorates into just flat petals, a defect she past on to all future Hybrid teas and in my opinion the cause of the anti hybrid tea wave which started in the nineties. She does smell but it's moderate at best, a light tea scent.
Her color however is glorious and changes with the weather. Usually she opens as yellow but as soon as it gets warmer these flowers turn partially pink in all shades. This is her most characteristic feather and it is utterly charming.

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