Monday, January 16, 2023

Mme A Meilland grimpant

Mme A Meilland grimpant 
Peace climbing 

Climbing Hybrid Tea 

The Peace climbing rose is a very vigorous grower and the first three years this comes with a cost: She almost doesn't bloom. It takes a bit of time before she shows her true value. Once she's adult and big enough she starts putting energy in blooms and when this happens it's for always. The blooms of Peace climbing are even bigger than the normal Peace rose and are magnifique ! In these hurry hurry times with immediate results the peace climbing rose isn't popular. Only in France you can find her more regularly and even then they are rather old plants.
So my advice: If you have the space and the time (combine her with another climber?) and you really love the Peace blooms then go for it!
If you hate waiting and don't have much space to combine her with another, more quickly bloomer, I suggest to go for Yves Piaget climbing. Yves Piaget has the same very big blooms but pink and has 100% much more fragrance. It's strong and blooms prolifically.
So there you have it!

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