Saturday, January 14, 2023

Mme Bérard

Few roses received so much praise since their introduction as Gloire de Dijon. Although her vigor is diminishing she's still a very beautiful rose with her magical very quartered waxy flowers and incredible fruity fragrance. Her fame is of the same level as Maréchal Niel, Mme Isaac Pereire and Souvenir de la Malmaison.

Gloire de Dijon thankfully produced so many offspring and one of them is Mme Bérard. The other parent was also a rose of the greatest esteem: Mme Falcot. This tea is regarded as one of the most refined teas ever created

Mme Bérard is in most aspects very close to her mother Gloire de Dijon: Vigorously climbing up to 300 cm or 9 feet. Her flowers are big and often quartered with a strong fragrance. The difference is in her color: Where Gloire de Dijon has this mélange of Yellow /buff /pink and apricot Mme Bérard is often buff colored especially when exposed to hot sun. In more shady spots she has more pink. The other difference is that her blooms aren't always as perfect as those of Gloire de Dijon. They are exquisite, don't get me wrong, cause I like her for it.
Gloire de Dijon is one of the most hardy Tea Noisettes and Mme Bérard is just as Hardy let's say 7b to 10b, some even say 6b. However, she performs best against a hot wall receiving plenty of warmth and sun.

Mine was planted last autumn and it took her a while before she started to grow. It's a typical Tea because she makes new growth from every node. In this she reminds me of Rêve d'or.
Treat her well with lots of humus like compost, composted manure, leaf compost etc..
Suitable for obelisks, (warm) walls and fences.
An old beauty from a bygone age..

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