Sunday, January 15, 2023

La France (bush)

La France, Guillot 1867

First Hybrid Tea 
Seedling of Mme Falcot? 

Regarded as the very first Hybrid Tea rose La France created quite a stir in 1867 with its big silvery pink puffy blooms and its astonishing lemon 🍋 old rose fragrance
Was she really the first Hybrid Tea? We will never know for sure but there aren't many other candidates, maybe 2.
Is La France today still worthwhile to grow in our garden? You bet! But I have to say that her climbing sport (La France climbing) is even better. The blooms can sometimes suffer from weak neck syndrome and this makes the blooms nod down a bit. As a climber this however is an advantage as the flowers look down on us and we can reach closer to experience her great fragrance. 
However you may have her, as bush or climber, she will always be stunning 

Bloom shape: High pointed buds, opening into big puffy blooms 
Bloom color: Silvery light pink 
⬆️ Up to 130 cm or 4 ft, 400 cm or 12 ft as a climber
↔️ 60 cm or 2 ft
Reblooming skills: ++++
Fragrance: +++++
Health: +++
Resistant to rain? Medium 
Resistant to heat? Yes 
Shade tolerant? No 
Zone 7b and higher
Balling? No 


  1. This rose is gorgeous! Glad to see you have started a blog!!
