Saturday, January 14, 2023

How to prune once flowering bush roses

Rose Pruning: Once flowering bush roses 

We are talking about the Gallica's, the Alba's, the Damasks and the Centifolias.

Rule nr 1: Don't prune the first 2 to 3 years


How do we prune? It can be described as a deep deadheading. Cut away 1/3 of each stem. Also remove dead or much too floppy growth.
You can use sécateurs but even a hedge clipper gives the same effect. So remove 1/3 of the length of the canes. Now you're rose will make new growth all summer and it's this new growth on which the blooms for next summer will appear. In September you can trim that new growth a little bit to get one hight as long as you don't remove the entire length of the new growth. Just trim it.
You can of course do nothing in september but I love a bush of the same Hight in May or June so I trim them a bit even in September

After five or six years you can start removing the oldest canes also right after blooming. Always remove one oldest cane per year, not more. This is called rejuvenation of your bush.

So it's really not difficult if you just remember to never prune in early spring but always After blooming in early summer and a light trim in september but that's optional.

Good luck!

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