Sunday, January 15, 2023

Just Joey

JUST Joey, Cant

Hybrid Tea 

If they would ask me what's your favorite Hybrid Tea I wouldn't have to think long about it. I have this top five on hybrid teas and they all can be at nr one. CHANDOS Beauty, Étoile de Hollande climbing, Crimson Glory climbing, Valencia... And Just Joey...

Joey is very unique. No other Hybrid tea has these large loose light apricot /peach color. The outer petals are a bit more crème which has a pleasing effect. They have a wonderful and strong fragrance. Maybe a bit mildew sometimes but nothing serious. Also the rose doesn't produce an abundance of flowers but the ones it gives us are just breathtaking. After so many years still very popular and I hope it stays this way for decades to come.
I love this rose!

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