Saturday, January 14, 2023

Gruss an Teplitz

Gruss an Teplitz, Geschwind, before 1897

Hybrid China / Hybrid Bourbon 

Vibrant red, very double blooms in clusters with a good strong fragrance. Rather vigorous growth with arching canes. Almost thornless. Ideal for obelisk, piramide, fence. Reblooms all summer. 
⬆️ 250 cm or 8 ft
↔️ 100 cm or 2,5 ft
Bloom shape: Very double, very full 
Bloom color: Vibrant red 
Fragrance: ++++
Reblooming: ++++
Zone: 6b to 9b
Shade tolerant? Poor 
Rain tolerant? Yes 
Balling? No 
Health: ++++

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