Frau O. Plegg, Nabonnand 1909
Bourbon/ Hybrid Perpetual
Seldom seen but you can buy her from several nurseries this stunning red to purple rose
The flowers, to me, look more like Hybrid Perpetual blooms than those of Bourbons. She reminds me of Général Jacqueminot. Very big, very full, deep red flowers fading to purple. An extreme damask fragrance makes it perfect. The blooms can suffer from weak neck syndrome because they are so heavy.
The shrub stays on the small side up to 1meter or three feet. Health is what you can expect from such a rose so she can get blackspot in wet summers. Needs lots of food and organic material. Hex Castle in Limburg, Flanders, has a few of this variety and they can be really beautiful. The fragrance is delicious. Reblooms in good summers.