Sunday, January 15, 2023


Evelyn, Austin 1991

English rose 

Once she was the undisputed flagship of the David Austin roses but those times are long gone. Evelyn got discontinued in Europe and is only available in the USA. According to Austin Evelyn doesn't like the European climate and loves California. The real reason is that her patent expired and there was no more profit to make. But no worries, even in Europe you can buy Evelyn under the name of Aussaucer or Apricot Parfait.
Yes, Evelyn has a bit of a not ideal growth, as like so many Austin roses but if you grow her in a pot and give her a tripod or a little trellis she can become magnificent. Her blooms are undoubtedly the best ever created by Austin. A stunning pink/apricot color and big flat rosettes with a button in the center. They are beautiful in each stage and they have a pervasive fruity fragrance. The most fragrant of Austin roses? Maybe but she surely was for years. She can get rather tall with 150 cm so give her some support. Her reblooming is outstanding. Yes a bit mildew from time to time but that's forgiven. Give her plenty of organic material.
She was the favorite rose of a good friend from Amsterdam. I remember us buying a few when we went on a road trip to Intratuin on this extremely hot day in June. She had this new Mercedes 600 SL cabrio and we had so much fun. She always spoke of her Evelyn roses and how good they were. In 2013 she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and one year later she left this earth. She was 45 years old.
I couldn't bring myself to buying Evelyn in my garden in Leuven. But now I see it as a celebration of her life so if she crosses my path I'll definitely buy her.
For you Caroline ❤️