Sunday, January 15, 2023

Earth angel /Herzogin Christiana

Earth Angel, Kordes 2003
Herzogin Christiana

Floribunda, Parfuma collection

A good rose friend bought this rose to compare her with Souvenir de la Malmaison. After growing her for two years he send me an email or update on the experiment.
He immediately fell in love with this Kordes Goddess. Her cupped, rounded fully filled flowers in this creamy pink take your breath away yes. But our main concern with such flowers is the Balling! Is she resistant to it? Or fairly resistant? Or is it a disaster?

He says the first year she grew into a very bushy shrub with lots of shoots. A nice spreading growth. He planted her in partial shade so with some afternoon coolness. She became 70X70 cm so she's also idéal for in pots on your patio or terrace. We all know that the summer of 2021 in Western Europe was fairly... Shitty with weeks of rain in July and August. It was a break with the hot and dry summers we got the past years. But it was the perfect test for balling. She began to bloom end of June (when it was still dry and warm) and he almost passed out from her beauty and especially her intoxicating extremely strong fragrance 😵‍💫
Then July came and it started to rain for days but she didn't suffer much he said. She didn't really ball in contrast to Souvenir de la Malmaison who was balling all over the place.
This year she started much earlier with blooming and it is a masterpiece he says. He's in love with her. Her fragrance, her beauty, perfect for cutting.

You just can't not like this rose. She's a Goddess with incredible fragrance. She keeps blooming all summer and is very healthy. So what if she occasionally has a bud which balls?
BUY Her! 

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