Constance Spry, Austin 1960
English rose (rambler, once blooming)
The first David Austin rose and in my opinion still the most beautiful. Big magnificent pale pink cupped blooms with a refreshing myhrr fragrance. Can be used as a shrub but she's way better as a climber on a pergola or wall. She can reach 350 cm so spread her like a peacocks tail against the wall. If you prune back the lateral canes after flowering and prune these canes a bit in spring (always keep 10cm of the growth of last summer) she'll be covered in flowers for six weeks. Very Hardy USDA 4b to 10b and shade tolerant. After years of trials Constance Spry got the rating of excellent resistance against blackspot.
I bought my first one in 1993 and she was planted on a pergola. I pruned her according to the books and yes, she was breath-taking year after year. My parents now have three. If there's one rose they don't want to miss it's Constance Spry.
Blooms 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Reblooming N/A
Health 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Fragrance 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Dirk's opinion: Many experts agree that Constance Spry is one of the very best climbers ever! She's the arch cottage rose.
If you have an arch or pergola or fence or wall and you want a stunner? This is your rose!
Constance Spry was a famous florist in Victorian England. A highly recommended rose!