Friday, January 27, 2023

Bengal Beauty

Bengal beauty
Bengal Crimson rose

This rose, probably a seedling from R. Chinensis Semperflorens, is a real stunner. Introduced in Europe by Graham Stuart Thomas in 1962 as Sanguinea (Bloody)

You can't believe this is a rose because she really looks like a clematis, it's just stunning!
Bearing large blooms with 5 Crimson red petals, slowly deepening in color. So a big single Crimson red flower. I've never seen anything like it. The blooms have a moderate smell. This shrub is soo prolific, it's blooms perpetual in summer and is very healthy. Zone 7b and higher. A big rose too as she can reach 7 x 6 feet or 180 x 150 cm. She will grow against a trellis, cover a fence, an obelisk etc...
It's just a red single clematis lol 😂