Thursday, January 19, 2023

About this blog

I've been a rose lover for more than 30 years. I have a big range of roses I like; From Alba's to centifolia's to Bourbons and from Teas to Hybrid Teas. Today, in our warm, secluded garden with high brik walls I specialized in climbing Teas and Noisettes. 7 years ago we started to grow our roses organically. No chemicals, no artificial fertilizers, nothing leaves the garden. Organic, ecological, sustainable, those are the key features in our garden. 
After 30 years I want to pass on my knowledge and experience to every rose lover out there. Growing roses organically isn't difficult and it's the future. I could wright a book (many asked me) but today people get their information from internet and they want it concentrated on one site. 
This blog tries to do just that: To give as many information as possible regarding roses. Everything on this blog is labeled and this way you can immediately find what you're looking for. Special attention goes to creating a rose encyclopedia with as many varieties as possible. Many forgotten and unknown roses will get a spot here with a short description or longer if i have grown them. Most pictures on this blog are mine but some are from the internet. I don't make money with my blog, I only want to promote the love for the rose. Still, if you are an owner of a picture on my blog and you don't want that? Just send me a message and I'll remove the picture. 
I hope this blog will give you lots of ideas and information regarding growing roses! 


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Dirk. I just got into roses about 3 years and now a day so many information in the market, in the social media . It’s overwhelming and and got lost , actually did not know what to do with the disease, fungus and so many roses all there but since I joint your FB group I am in love with roses more and more everyday, they are not difficult to take care and so many beautiful roses in the world that you introduce to us. Most important thing to me about garden is no chemical . I want to stay with organic and you are the one encourage me that I am do the right thing for the soil and environment and my roses too. Now my roses garden have alot Kordes, Meilland , tantau and more more base on you recommend and I am appreciate everything you do for the FB group and pass your knowledge for everyone .
