Monday, January 16, 2023

A Shropshire Lad

A Shropshire Lad, Austin 1997

English rose 

Bloom: Soft peachy pink.  Flowers are cup-shaped in the early stages, opening to form attractive rosettes. 90 petals.  Cupped, rosette bloom form. 
Growth: 180X150 cm, almost thornless, glossy foliage
Fragrance: Strong and fruity
Reblooming: Flushes throughout the season
USDA 5b to 10b very Hardy
Resistant to Blackspot? Yes
Resistant to mildew? Yes
Resistant to rust? Yes
Resistant to rain? Yes
Resistant to heat? Yes
Shade tolerant? No
Balling? No
Use: Obelisk, pergola, tripod

One of the best Austins although it has been discontinued in the UK and the rest of Europe
Drop dead gorgeous flowers and a good fragrance. If you can, buy it! I Highly recommend it