Sunday, March 2, 2025

Top 20 of best reblooming climbing roses


A top 20 selection in random order!

The list is made up of real climbing roses that rebloom almost continuously (Perpetual) through late spring, summer and autumn. Two Flushes isn't enough to make the list. I've also looked at availability which is an important factor too. Noisettes and Tea Noisettes undoubtedly rebloom the most so they are well represented in the list. Your input has been very valuable. There are really good repeating climbers which didn't make this list but are still a good choice. Some examples are Bouquet d'or, Mme Bérard, Gloire de Dijon (find a strong specimen), Strawberry hill, Teasing Georgia, The Wedgwood rose, A Shropshire Lad, Jasmina, Laguna, Bienvenue, Coral dawn, Awakening, New dawn, Bantry Bay, Sénégal, Étoile de Hollande climbing, Meg, Compassion, Sombreuil, Plaisanterie, St Swithun, Spirit of freedom, etc...

Now the Top 20 in random! order 

Lady Hillingdon climbing
Mme Alfred Carrière
Rêve d'or
Blush Noisette
Scent from heaven
Devoniensis climbing
Crown Princess Margareta
Mme Caroline Testout climbing
Desprez (à fleurs jaunes)
Maréchal Niel
Ghislaine de Feligonde
Iceberg climbing (Schneewittchen /Fee des neiges)
Lady Sylvia/Mme Butterfly climbing
Alister Stella Grey
Perfumed breeze

Most nurseries have several of these climbers available. In Europe, USA, Asia, Australia and New Zealand and South Africa and probably countries in Latin America such as Argentina and Chile.

I hope you will use this as a helpful tool when you're thinking of buying a good repeat blooming climber.

Rêve d'or