Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Shepherdess

The Shepherdess, Austin 2007

English rose 

Parentage undisclosed 

A charming little rose in every aspect. Due to its small size, 100X80 cm or 3X3 feet, it's an ideal rose for front of the border or in pots.

Very cupped, Apricot, light pink to cream petals with some golden stamen. They are medium large and stand solitary or in groups of three to four. A delicious fruity fragrance makes the picture complete especially on warm days. 

This is a more "old fashioned" Austin with sturdy branches supporting the flowers enough. She reminds of Sharifa Asma with her dark green leathery foliage. Blooms reminds us of Brother Cadfael but they are smaller 

Zone 6b to 9b and rain tolerant. I don't know how this rose is health wise because she's very difficult to obtain in Europe. 

Again a beautiful little rose that has been forgotten after not even two decades.