Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Leander, Austin 1982

English rose 

Charles Austin X unknown seedling 

Leander is a child of Charles Austin and a brother of a Shropshire Lad and it definitely shows. Clusters of magnificent rosette shaped old fashioned blooms in the good old Austin style. Big and in cream/orange /peach and apricot. There's a strong fruity fragrance present, much like Charles Austin. 

Leander is a slender upright going rose and if you let it go or give some support she will reach 300 cm or 9 feet. If you prefer her as a shrub then prune her back by half in spring. Right after the first flush you can deadhead quite deep, let's say at least 30 cm or 1 foot. If you want her to climb then you prune very light in spring. Remember to grow her as horizontally as possible when bred as a climber.

Zone 5b, heat and rain tolerant.

Leander was one of the first DA roses to get canceled and again this was a big mistake as it has good sturdy canes which can uphold the flowers very good. Beautiful flowers and a good fragrance. 

Recommended rose