For our roses this means that regularly spraying them and our soil with LAB will increase their resistance against diseases, will turn our organic matter much faster into humus, will decrease the use of fertilizers and make our plants much more drought resistant. It is a natural antidote to ammonia and toxic bacteria in the soil. It will destroy them at impact. Sprayed on compost heaps it will accelerate the decomposing process so it's much quicker ready to use and it eliminates bad odors.
Even in our ponds it's very useful as LAB attack algae, ammonia and nitrite.
It's not surprising that LAB are getting so much attention from governments and scientists. It will become a major ally in sustainable, organic agriculture.
We, as gardeners can buy LAB online and the only thing we need to do is dilute the right amount of LAB serum with water and give this to our roses and our soil. Very helpful is the fact that it works best on a wet soil or during rain. The bacteria spread immediately in a damp and wet soil. So spray the solution on the top of your soil and onto the leaves of roses and perennials. If there's no rain predicted you must first wet the soil with the garden hose and immediately spray with the LAB.
In Belgium and the Netherlands the best product to buy is Microferm. The reviews are the product's best promoter
Look online for LAB if you don't live in Belgium or the Netherlands. It's available in Europe, USA, Australia etc...