Monday, January 22, 2024

Magna Charta

Magna Charta, William Paul, before 1875

Hybrid Perpetual 

Parentage unknown 

Extremely fragrant with strong Damask odor this Magna Charta is one of the most beautiful HP 

Large, deep pink, very full blooms in small clusters. Several flushes throughout the season. 
Rounded shrub that can be trained as a pillar or obelisk rose. Normally 150X100 cm but with some help up to 250 cm or 8 feet

As with all HP's she's susceptible to Blackspot but she always recovers quickly. Zone 6b to 9b
Has many features of a Portland rose. Good resemblance of Baronne Prévost. The claim that's she's a sport of Mme Gabriel Luizet is not supported by 19th century literature