Sunday, September 24, 2023

Rose nurseries and suppliers in Italy

Rosso Tiziano Vivaio rose antiche


  1. Dear Dirk, I discovered your blog not long ago. I'm still exploring it, but I alreaady want to congratulate you for the variety of themes around roses that you deal with and for your knowledge. I'm reading now the post about Italian Nurseries. I see with pleasure that you name "Vittori": I know them very well, they are not far from me (about 40 km) and they represent my first reference nursery. I learned a lot by Maria Vittori and his father Alberto. They dedicated one of their rambler roses to me, giving it my name. But now I came into contact with other remarkable Italian nurseries, such as "Il Rosificio" (, Rose Glorio ( and Museo Giardino della Rosa Antica ( I mention them in case you were interested in adding them to your list. My best regards. Valentina

  2. Thank you for the comment. I've added the nurseries. Dirk
