Laffay before 1826
R. Chinensis X R. Pendulina
One of the best climbers available and it's sad that it isn't more widely grown.
A Boursault rose of which not many are still in cultivation.
Boursault roses were created by Monsieur Boursault, an amateur horticulturalist, and friend of Emperor Napoléon Bonaparte. Boursault crossed with the wild roses R. Pendulina or R. Alpina. This rose is native to Scandinavia and parts of Eastern Europe. It's a very hardy rose Zone 4b to 9b.
Laffay created Amadis in 1826 and was highly popular in it's days. Victorians said it was the best climbing rose with only one flaw, it's lack of fragrance
Crimson or purple, large, very double, cluster flowered cupped form. Some flowers can have the weak neck syndrome but that's nothing to worry about.
First flush is a real burst of flowers with occasional flushes throughout the season. A vigorous rose that can climb 400 cm or more (12 feet and more).
Like all Boursault's it's very hardy and almost thornless. Suitable for trellis, arch, pillar, obelisk etc...
If you want a reliable very floriferous climber you should consider Amadis.