Saturday, August 5, 2023

Heilige Elizabeth

Heilige Elizabeth
St Elisabeth of Hungary, Gergely Márk 1988

Modern Hybrid /Modern Climber 

Queen Elizabeth X Excelsa 

A marvel of a rose and deserves so much more attention. Rose experts don't hold back in praising this rose 
The indestructible Queen Elizabeth from Lammerts got crossed with Excelsa, that pompon shaped red climber. The result was spectacular: a large shrub of approx 180X150 cm or 6X5 feet. Can get significantly taller when trained as a climber. Blooms are very big, approx 12 cm or 5 inches. They stand in clusters and have the beautiful color of Queen Elizabeth. Surprisingly enough the flowers are strongly fragrant. The rose almost has a Perpetual blooming, the blooms just keep coming. Said to be one of the very best modern roses. Zone 5b to 10b. Heat, drought and rain resistant. 
Ideal for pots, hedges, climber and wherever you want a beautiful big shrub. 
Highly recommended rose!