Introduced by Weeks wholesale roses
Hybrid Tea
Good old Barb was very picky when it came to choosing a rose which would bear her name. Barbra, a rose lover herself, was very clear about which rose: The color needed to stand out, she had to be elegant and above all she had to be very fragrant.
In the end she chose a creation of Tom Carruth, a gorgeous lavender/Mauve Hybrid Tea with a good strong citrus old rose fragrance. Zone 6b to 10b
A good reblooming and vigorous rose which can get up to 120 cm or 4 feet.
Weeks says this rose grows bigger blooms in milder climates.
Health wise it's not so good. She's really susceptible to Blackspot and Helpmefind even recommends owners to keep spraying non stop. Well now, that can't be the meaning of growing roses?
It seems that Barbs rose of choice is just like her, she needs tons of attention and care