The reason for its popularity is it's gorgeous color: Just like Peace the flowers are very big and start as pointed high centered buds but where Peace starts as a completely yellow rose Pullman Orient express already has that carmine pink at the edges of the petals. When fully open the carmine gets more intense and especially with warmer weather. They have a good fruity fragrance. Growth is upright with stiff canes just like Peace and it's height is also the same 100X 185 cm or 3X6 feet. Reblooming is really good and disease resistance is also according to today's standards. The blooms are very rain and heat resistant. Because it's a seedling from Peace and not a sport it doesn't has the degeneration of strength which Peace has so it's vigor is really good. Immensely popular in Eastern Europe, Ukraine and even Russia and that's a surprise as this rose has hardiness zone 7b to 10b so it seems she's much stronger than said on paper.
One of the strongest Hybrid Teas