Saturday, April 8, 2023

Bee 🐝 friendly fungicides

Organic gardening also means NO TOXIC insecticide or fungicide. We only use products that are 100% non toxic to animals, pollinators and life in our soil. Even these biological, organic foliar sprays should be a last resort. Better is prevention. When we give our roses plenty of organic material like good compost we build up the humus content in our garden soil. Combined with organic fertilizer our roses have a head start against all kinds of foliar diseases such as blackspot, powdery mildew and rust. To strengthen the foliage against fungal diseases we can use foliar spray based on seaweed and it can be purchased everywhere under different brands. In the EU products like Algovital plus and Oenosan have been Praised for their good prevention of rose fungal diseases and plants or trees in general. Oenosan is a groundbreaking Calcium based tonic that gives our roses a boost with essential minerals, trace elements and vitamins. It strengthens our roses resulting in stronger and healthier growth and a defense against drought problems. 
But what if our roses still get blackspot or powdery mildew even if we use those foliar tonics? Science has been searching for good effective fungicides which are 100% 🐝 friendly. Neem oil is safe only when used in the right dosis and when used when pollinators are not foraging so after sundown. I stopped using Neem oil because I want to be 100% sure not to harm pollinators and with Neem you can't guarantee 100% it's safe.
In the UK a product named Sulphur rose came on the market and it is a big success. It's a Sulphur based fungicide especially for roses to treat blackspot, mildew and rust and it's completely safe for 🐝 and other pollinators. You can buy it online in the UK and even in the USA. In the EU you can purchase products like Cosavet (Edialux) which is a Sulphur based fungicide.
Recently another great product came on the market to treat roses for blackspot, mildew and rust: Carboguard from Ecopur is based on Sodium bicarb and it's a ready to spray product. It's 100% bee friendly
So please, don't use chemicals to treat fungal diseases like blackspot and mildew. There are 100% effective bee friendly solutions. Buy the products I recommended here so you can use them as a last resort. We Owe it to the bees to protect them as they give us so much.

Sulphur rose, the first really bee friendly fungicide for roses. Available in the UK and USA 

Cosavet garden from Edialux is a Sulphur based fungicide similar to Sulphur rose. Available in the EU 

Carboguard from Ecopur is the first sodium bicarb fungicide for roses. Ready to use and also highly effective against blackspot and mildew. Available in the EU 

Microlife Super seaweed is a foliar feed to strengthen rose foliage. Available in the USA 

Oenosan: revolutionary Calcium based foliar spray tonic for plants, trees and roses. Strengthens the foliage resulting in higher performance. Available worldwide 

Algovital plus: Seaweed based rose tonic used as a foliar spray. Strengthens the foliage against fungal diseases. Available in the EU 🇪🇺 

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