Monday, March 20, 2023

Why synthetic fertilizers are poison ☠ for our gardens and ourselves

People often ask me if their store bought fertilizers are any good and especially people from English speaking countries tell me they use Miracle Gro fertilizers for their roses. Sadly I have to disappoint them by telling that Miracle Gro is in fact poisonous to their roses, their gardens and even to us. Not only Miracle-Gro is a bad choice but all synthetically made fertilizers are hazardous to the soil and the environment in general.
Why? Let me give you a brief history of synthetic fertilizers: They became extremely popular by the end of the 19th century. They were first made by the Germans who, at first, used chemically made Nitrogen, Urea and Ammonium sulfate to make chemical weapons. When exposed to these weapons they destroy the human body. Later, these ingredients were used in the "Green deal" to revolutionize agriculture. But in fact it wasn't that green at all. Yes, it gave us heavy crops rapidly but the long term effects were devastating as synthetic fertilizers destroy the soil by killing all good bacteria. One of the most harmful effects of these fertilizers is that they spill into our waterways, oceans and aquifers making them toxic. Plants only absorb 1% of these fertilizers and the leftover 99% leaks into all our water resources. But that's not all as unbelievable amounts of fossil fuels are needed to make synthetic fertilizers. Today, they are a real threat to the environment and the climate.
Miracle gro is also full of heavy metals like Arsenic, lead and Mercury and we give this to our soils.

Organic fertilizers however are made from natural resources as manure, feathers, seaweed, blood etc... They are the natural food of the good microorganisms in our soils. These microorganisms are like nutrient factories, they mediate the nutrient cycling of minerals for plants to eat. These ecosystems “feed” plants through biogeochemical cycles that have happened on earth since ancient times. Synthetic chemical fertilizers alter and inhibit these natural microbial cycles that are so vital to healthy plants. Miracle gro and all other synthetic fertilizers act like an IV drip of nutrients to the plants. An IV drip in the hospital bypasses your digestive system by flowing directly into your bloodstream so it bypasses your mouth, stomach, intestines etc.. making us (or rather the agricultural system in our case) dependent on the IV. Soil is like the external digestive system of our plants and when we feed them Miracle gro or other synthetic fertilizers we are bypassing their digestive system. It might give our plants a quick boost but soon the soil and its ecosystem collapses. It is what we are seeing today all over the globe.
If you want a healthy soil full of life you want to use organic rose fertilizer, real, honest food for our roses. 
These brands are the best alternatives for Synthetic rose fertilizers:

Neptune's harvest 
Down to earth fertilizers 
Jobe's organic fertilizers 
North country organics 

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