Sunday, March 26, 2023

Lady Hillingdon

Lady Hillingdon, Lowe 1910


The most well-known Tea rose and an unsurpassed classic. Unlike so many other Teas Lady Hillingdon has remained popular and that's because she's a bit more Hardy than other Teas. Of course, her climbing sport is even more popular, but also this shrub form is really really worth growing. 
Her parents were Papa Gontier X Madame Hoste and when you read these names you know she's special. These two roses were immensely popular in the 19th century but now they are almost completely forgotten. That's why their Child, Lady Hillingdon, is so important. Thanks to her we'll never forget these parents.
Lady Hillingdon blooms prolifically with very large, loose, double flowers with this exceptionally warm, buttery golden yellow color. When fully open you can often see their yellow stamen. They stand in clusters on a very bushy plant with slender, thin canes and they are as good as thornless. She blooms non stop so no periods of no flowers in between. She can reach 120X100 cm or 5X3 feet. Maybe a bit more and she's very suitable for pots, which is also a nice plus. She's hardy 6b to 11b so she can also cope with heat. And then her fragrance: She's a Tea rose and this time this rose honors that name with a very strong pure Tea fragrance which is very refreshing. Probably the strongest Tea fragrance of all roses. One more thing: She HATES pruning as so many China descendants so just don't. Only deadhead.

This queen is nothing more than stunning and she deserves a place in every garden. 

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