Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Training & Pegging roses part II

Now we'll discuss what to do with large shrubs like Bourbons, Hybrid Perpetuals etc...
I would always advise to use them as climbers or for an Obelisk, tripod or Pyramid but what with existing shrubs with arching, long canes ? Well the easiest way to improve their blooming is by pegging down those long canes. What do you need? Not much, wooden, Bamboo or any strong stick will do. Put a stick into the ground and bow your long shoots towards it. Now attach the end of that shoot onto the stick with some garden wire. I use green plastic garden wire which can be stretched and reused and it doesn't strangle the rose. Look at this example

You can also use an U shaped piece of metal but it needs to be long and strong enough. Bend your long canes to the ground and Peg it with the U tool so it's firmly attached to the ground. Your cane will bloom all over the length. 

So many methods are used but the result is always the same: Bending the canes into a domed shade. You don't need expensive tools. Re use some long sticks or whatever you can find. 

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