Friday, February 10, 2023


Tamora, Austin 1983

English rose 

Although she's been discarded for decennia by Austin in Europe Tamora remains immensely popular in America and with good reason: Apricot / Yellow, darker center, lighter edges, very full, very old fashioned blooms in clusters. Strong sweet anise (Mirrh) fragrance. Good upright growth 120X70 cm or 4X3 feet. Flushes freely throughout the season. Health is remarkably good with no real problems. Again Chaucer X Conrad Ferdinand Meyer was crossed and this means also Tamora has Noisette ancestors. Today Tamora is still present in my parents garden and she's been there since 1995. She survived - 20 degrees three times and died back to the ground but she always recovered with great strength. Again it is a mystery why Austin nurseries abandoned this variety. Probably her rather Hybrid Tea growth and blooms?
A stunning apricot rose and a personal favorite