Saturday, February 4, 2023

Remembering Cochet

Remembering Cochet, Viru & Girija Viraraghavan 2010


Seed: Rêve d'or 
Pollen: Carmosine X R. Gigantea 

I had to grasp for breath when I saw this rose for the first time. For me this is the quintessential type of bloom. Teas are my favorite roses. Breeding new Teas in these modern times is nothing more than an epic achievement.
White to cream, very full, globular blooms. Good as exhibition and cut rose. Moderate fragrance. Makes a nice shrub of 120 cm or 4 feet. Continuously blooming. Healthy and reliable. Zone 7 to 11
I think it's Viru and Girija's most marvelous creation! 
Cochet would be proud!