Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Meilland roses for pollinators: The Friendly® collection

These days our environment and nature becomes more and more important and people want to attract wildlife and pollinators in their gardens. Many roses which show their stamen are of course visited by pollinators by nurseries are creating new roses especially for this purpose so roses especially for the natural and ecological garden. These roses nearly always have an abundance of little single blooms with golden stamen and they have a lot of pollens and nectar. They bloom from spring till first frost and are extremely tough and resistant against drought and diseases.

We start with the Friendly® collection of Meilland Richardier. These are short, bushy roses of approximately 50X70 cm or 2X2 feet. They have an abundance of little single blooms in clusters with their stamen clearly exposed. Always in bloom and disease free. At this moment the Friendly® collection has 4 roses:
Pink Meissalu is pink 
Purple Meicosme is purple 
Red Meiariba is red
Sweet Meinatope is white

Of course more will follow the coming years so remember that the Friendly® collection stands for pollinator friendly roses!

Pink Meissalu 

Purple Meicosme 

Red Meiariba