Thursday, February 2, 2023

Lijiang road rose

Lijiang road rose (R. Gigantea Rosea) in the wild found hybrid of R. Gigantea. Introduced in Europe in 1995

R. Gigantea, with its giant single flowers, is a rampant climber native to South East China. It is a wild species but in culture for centuries by the Chinese people. This rose, together with R. Chinensis, played a crucial role in the creation of Climbing Teas and climbing Tea Noisettes.
The flowers are white to very light yellow and golden stamens. They smell of clove and Honeysuckle.

A Hybrid of this rose spontaneously appeared in China in a tree on Lijiang road close to the city of Lijiang. It's probably a spontaneous cross between R. Gigantea X R. Odorata
In 1995 a rose in Italy was identified as Lijiang road rose and got introduced in Europe.
Lijiang road rose is, just like its parent, a rather rampant climber with thin, slender shoots up to 20 meters! She bears very big, loose, semi double pink blooms with an apricot/peach fragrance. The main flush is in spring with scattered blooms later in the season. It's a very healthy plant, immune to Blackspot, mildew and rust. Although it's more hardy than her mother, R. Gigantea, Lijiang road rose needs to be grown in zone 7b and higher.
A very beautiful and special variety with lots of rose history in its genes. 

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