Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Charles de Nervaux

CHARLES DE NERVAUX, Dominique Massad for Guillot roses 2007

Modern hybrid

I've said it so often: Many superior roses still wait to get discovered by rose lovers. David Austin roses may know how to advertise their roses but they are by no means the best roses on the market. Many are flawed regarding their growth, they are floppy, can't carry the flowers, easily rain damaged and nil resistance to heat. I'm not even talking about blackspot or other stuff.
Guillot roses, a famous 19th century rose house is still in business and their main rose creator, Dominique Massad, is making incredible beautiful and tough roses.

Charles de Nervaux is such a rose. Beautiful rosettes of yellow/peach /apricot color with an incredible citrus/orange myhrr fragrance. She blooms in clusters and repeats non stop. She has a good Hight with 0.8 meters and is perfect for borders and pots for terrace or patio.
Very disease resistant.

If you want to give this rose a try instead of the Austin's... You won't be disappointed

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