Monday, February 6, 2023


Bonica, Meilland 1982
Bonica 82

A monument of a rose. This rose ruled the gardens for more than 25 years and it is well deserved. This rose is extremely healthy, extremely reblooming, extremely cute with a nice pink color, extremely Hardy. For the normal gardener Bonica was the ideal rose. Low maintenance and always beautiful. I have always praised its garden values and I'll never forget the tree rose I'd planted with my grandmother, a humble farmer's wife. The Bonica tree rose got a ridiculously big and rounded Wig and maybe had a thousand blooms in full flush from May till October. It was a magnificent sight and my grandmother was sooo proud it was in her front yard. For years she bloomed like this with only a rather light pruning.

Bonica has sugar pink full, lose flowers in big clusters. These clusters arch a bit so you get a domed umbrella ☔ shape. They last for a long time. After dead heading she immediately starts to hover with new shoots and new side shoots to bloom again. I've only seen this by one other rose, Golden Celebration but Bonica is even quicker. I've never seen a sick Bonica so health is really good and she's rain tolerant for sure. She's extremely Hardy and with zone 4b to 9b she's even suitable for most American and Canadian winters. 120X100 cm or 5X4 feet. 
She has no fragrance but don't let this put you off. Just plant other roses with fragrance together with Bonica and regard her as a floriferous perennial. 
ADR rose 
AARS rose 
World rose 2003

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